
We are committed to responsible and safe travels while we remain vigilant and follow security protocols and procedures


The personal data and images obtained through the entry questionnaires, photographs, records or access logs to our facilities (hereinafter and jointly the "Personal Data"), are processed by Talokan México AC (hereinafter "TALOKAN" ), residing at Piso 26 no. 9- Ave. Juarez no. 2925 Col La Paz, CP. 72160; with the following primary purposes:

- Provide you with accurate information about experiences.
- Accompany you in your purchase process.
- Design new experiences according to the expressed interests.
- Expand surveillance and security strategies during your visit to our facilities.
- Third person contact in case of emergency or specific query.

I. DATA AND ITS PURPOSE FOR THE CENTER: Based on the above, we ask you to provide us with the following personal data at different stages of your process: full name, INE or passport, nationality, state and country of residence, sex, date of birth, e-mail, telephone, social network information, at least one contact person, allergies, illnesses or injuries in case of suffering from them. The Personal Data collected by Talokan, will be protected and managed in terms of the provisions of the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties, its Regulations and the Guidelines of the Privacy Notice (hereinafter and jointly "the Legislation") In this sense, we are committed to safeguarding your Personal Data under the principles of loyalty and responsibility. The Personal Data obtained is protected by security, physical, technological and administrative measures, attached to regulations that seek to safeguard said Personal Data in terms of the provisions of the Legislation.

The Personal Data that is collected through video recordings and/or photographs within the Talokan experiences, will be kept with your authorization in order to share the experience and publicize the programs; the Personal Data obtained through records, logs or access forms to the facilities, will be kept for a maximum period of 6 calendar months. Once the purpose of the registration is concluded, they will be discarded in order to avoid improper treatment of them, based on article 11, second paragraph of the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties.

II. “ARCO” RIGHTS AND REVOCATION OF CONSENT: You may exercise your ARCO rights (Access, Rectification, Cancellation and Opposition) contained in the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties, its Regulations and the Guidelines of the Privacy Notice, by request to exercise the ARCO Rights and must send it scanned to the email:, under the assumptions established in article 34 of the Data Law, you can deny access to personal data, or to make the rectification or cancellation or to grant the opposition to the treatment of these. Likewise, under the assumptions established in article 26 of the Data Law, Talokan will not be obliged to cancel your personal data. Talokan will respond to said request within a period not exceeding 20 days by the same means by which you made your request, by means of simple copies or electronically, as the case may be. In the event that your request is answered affirmatively or appropriately, the requested changes will be made within a maximum period of 15 business days. In the event that you request access to your personal data, the person in charge will inform you by means of the email in which we communicate our response to your request, the means by which you will be given access to your information, if appropriate. Talokan may extend the terms referred to in this paragraph, only once, for a period equal to the original, which will be informed. The revocation and exercise of the ARCO Rights will be free, and you must cover only the justified shipping costs, or the cost of reproduction in copies or other formats established in your request. Likewise, we inform you that you have the right to go before the Federal Institute of Access to Information and Data Protection in case you consider that your right to the protection of Personal Data has been violated. For more information we invite you to visit

IIII. TRANSFER OF DATA: There will be times when we need to transfer your personal data in a limited way even outside of Mexico to specialists who help us improve experiences or as a means of verifying our beneficiaries and social activities. In such circumstances, Talokan will take reasonable steps to ensure that your personal information is adequately protected. These measures generally include conducting data security reviews of recipients and entering into contracts with such recipients to ensure that they employ the same or similar administrative and technical measures as Talokan, so that your data is adequately protected. . For reasons of security, operation and service, the data may also be shared with local or federal authorities that require it only under court order.

IV. MODIFICATIONS TO THE PRIVACY NOTICE: This privacy notice may be modified, changed or updated due to new legal requirements, our own needs for the services we offer; of our privacy practices or for other reasons. Therefore, we ask you to review this notice regularly on this page ( so that you are aware of the changes and their implications. Additionally, we promise to keep you informed about the changes that this privacy notice may undergo, through a notice to the last email you have provided us.

I agree and give my consent for the treatment of the data provided.